


Dear friends,

A few years ago, not long after moving to the US, I came to the sad conclusion that I had slowly gained 12 kilos (26 pounds).

I tried a few diets: commercial ones first, then self-starving "magazine" methods, no fat, no gluten, etc.
Sadly, nothing worked...

Finally, it occurred to me that I had become a diet machine and that all I could think of was: "what am I going to allow myself to eat at the next meal?".
How can one stop eating when all he thinks off is precisely FOOD...?

I then had to change mindset and decided that a normal human being can only deprive himself from one kind of food at a time and that this food should be the one that does not provide any vitamins or minerals... yes you have it: SUGAR.

The method was simple:
Firstly a 3 days rehab period! Don't laugh. Not eating sugar at all is very difficult. Mostly at the beginning so we had to hit it hard.

Before the rehab period, we need to define what we call sugar.
Well in this diet, we will call sugar everything "sweet": Candies, cookies, cakes, ice creams, sodas, jams, etc.
We won't include pasta, rice, bread or all forms of gluten products which are fine to eat.

The first 3 days: we won’t allow any sugar at all. It means nothing sweet and nothing containing sugar meaning: no fruits, no alcohol and not even diet sodas or sweeteners…

Sounds easy? Well don’t get distracted. It is not that easy because we are ALL unfortunately addicted.

After the 3 days, you are welcome to start eating 1 or 2 fruits a day and can indulge on one diet soda or even a glass of wine once in a while.
Keep in mind that alcohol contains a lot of sugar so that the diet will only work if you don’t drink too much.
On the other hand, you can eat everything else… (I know, sounds crazy doesn’t it?).

That’s it. Here is the diet. Nothing more to it.
Depending on how much weight you have to loose, it might take a few months or weeks.
If you gain weight again after indulging a bit, start the 3 day rehab period again and you will slowly go to your ideal weight.
Most importantly, you will finally feel your body telling you: “Nope not hungry anymore…”

So good luck and let me know how things go.

Best wishes
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